Friday, October 16, 2009

Beauties and a Beast!!

It was a hot, humid day in Houston today.There is a beautiful park opposite George Brown Convention Centre where the Quilt Festival is being held and it was great to see Alison (who is living in Charlotte, North Carolina now) and her friend Alison (who is visting from Hawkes Bay)
We chose to have lunch outside when we went to the Dining room and saw this crowd!!
I loved these patterns. The original paintings are from Debi Hubbs and this is Traci Marvel - who does marketing for her. She is thrilled her patterns will be coming to New Zealand.
This Best of Show at Houston for 2009. This quilt has been designed and made by Carol Bryer Fallert and is called Adelpho. It is a self portrait - can you see the large white bird quilted over her body

This quilt wasn't one of the prize winners but we thought it was so cute

This quilt is wholly made from metallic thread!! It is amazing. The winning quilts are hung in the front of the quilt exhibition in a very prominent position. Each quilt has it's own bay - there is a large rosette hung beside it and a massive floral arrangement to one side. The rosettes and flowers are done in colours that compliment the quilt. Made by Sue McCarty and is called Tribute to Tolkein - inspired by Lord of the Rings

This quilt is made for a little grand daughgter's bed. It is hand appliqued and embellished.
Santa Claus has come to Kirara's Home town - made by Ayako Kawakami from Japan

This quilt is made by Karen Stone and is made in large clam shells. The prize winning quilt win $5000 each and the Best of Show wins $10000 - it is called Clam Shell Session

Justine with Ellen Lumpin Brown who designed and made all the dolls in the photo, and wrote the book she is holding.

We went to Kruger's supermarket to buy Peanut Butter and Justine couldn't resist buying the Halloween mask!

1 comment:

Denniele said...

It looks like you are enjoying every minute of your trip! Well done! Denniele

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