This is Margaret - she called in today to show us the bag she made after seeing our demo at SaturdayStrippers. Doesn't it look great! (Pssssst Someone is going to be very happy when they receive this bag on Christmas Day!) Margaret was a real star when she came to Saturday Strippers - she brought along some retro oven cloths that she has made using her mother's pattern- they were such a hit that she went home and drew us out a diagram so that we could share - and her quilt and patterns are featured in the New Zealand quilter that came out this week - it is called Will's Quilt - take a look.

This is the bag we made at Saturday Strippers - It is called "The Miss Benson" - Amiee sew part of it during out demo and finished it later in the day. We made the gorgeous tassle from Madiera Rayon thread and it is luscious!

And this is the bag we made before the demo - this is the one that we say - "I made this earlier" This one also has a luscious tassel and each of the strips has been stitched with a decorative stitch on the machine using a variagated thread.

This is another bag we have made - Liz sewed this using a pattern called. It's a big roomy bag

We made some flowers at Saturday Strippers - the Colour of the Month is Orange so of course we had to make a bunch of hot orange flowers. Each of the centres has a vintage button on a springy wire.

A Close up of the flowers and the buttons!

Isn't this a fabulous Wedding Present. Gillian called in to show us the quilt she made for her friends who got married yesterday - in the Rose Garden - so of course the quilt features - roses!! It is hard to see in the photo - she has done koru quilting in the border. koru - the symbol for strength and new beginnings - a great way to start a marriage.
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